Mies: Vector Graphics Editor

Demo: https://tamg.github.io/mies/

Github: https://github.com/tamg/mies


  • Mies is a simple vector graphics editing tool based on the awesome PaperJs library.
  • Once you’re done with your drawing, you can download an SVG format of your masterpiece.
  • This project is made at the Recurse Center , where I am currently learning programming.
  • This is the first ever fully functioning program I ever wrote from scratch and I’m really proud of it!
  • The PaperJs library api is so intuitive that it allowed me to quickly understand it and add multiple features.
  • I called the project Mies – after one of my favorite architect! Mies Van der Rohe


  • I am learning JavaScript and since I am coming from a design background I found it easier to start with a visual project
  • In fact the PaperJs started as a plugin for Adobe Illustrator and I had some experience with it (but with a GUI).



  • The code can definitely be broken into modules of tools, art board and ui…
  • There are a lot of things that can be improved but I feel like I’ve learned enough from this project that it is better to move on!